"If a day goes by without my doing something related to photography, it's as though I've neglected something essential to my existence, as though I had forgotten to wake up."
-Richard Avedon

contact me @ rachel.louise.photography@gmail.com

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Good Day for weddings :)

Something was in the air today, and it brought out good photographs. I had 3 weddings today, and they all turned out amazing! i was so thrilled with all of them that I decided to post a blog with some of my favorite photos. :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Geeky Tourist

So this quarter I am in a location photography class. We basically learn about doing photoshoots out in public or private properties. Yesterday was out first day where we actually went to a location and had a photoshoot. It was really fun, except for it was the first day in like 300 days that it has been windy, cold, and stormy. We were out there for about 5 minutes and we all started to feel rain drops. Immediately I thought we should pack up all our ELECTRONIC lights and leave, but my experience teacher told us just to wait a few minutes. And sure enough, it rained for all of about 3 minutes. And we were all set. haha. So, we just decided to have some fun at this photoshoot, since the location was the Las Vegas sign. We didnt have a whole lot of time to shoot, but here are a few good shots. So funny! :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Las Vegas Sunsets are the best

So, I had a project for class the other day where I needed to go and take photos of buildings at sunrise and sunset. My sunset shots were amazing, as well as the sunrise shots. However, I wasnt too thrilled to wake up @6 in order to beat the sun from rising. I rarely shoot things that dont involve a model, but when I do they usually turn out pretty good! :) I'm happy with my shots for sure.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Photography Blog

I have decided that I need to start blogging, because I have always enjoyed it. Also, the more I get my name and work out there, the better off I am. Blogging, facebook, myspace, flickr, twitter, and everything else that I have are all ways to help network myself.
I am a photographer. I am a professional photographer, which still blows my mind. I still think of myself as not quite a "professional," but I should just accept that. :)
In case you don't know, I currently attend the Art Institute of Las Vegas. Which is expensive, haha, but really worth it in the end. I will come out with a Bachelor of Science in Digital photography. After wards, I believe I am going to attend a university to get my Masters in art. So that is the current plan :)
I am going to post a few images that are from my most recent photoshoots, in case you have not been looking at my flickr.
This model is named Shelby. She is absolutely gorgeous! She had this fun idea to do a photoshoot, where she wanted to look like a barbie. Not the traditional blonde barbie, but i think we pulled it off pretty well. :)

This model's name is Brenna. She is just one of the greatest girls I have ever met. She is just so much fun, and always willing to do any kind of crazy photoshoot that I throw at her. I had this idea to do a photoshoot at this local carousel. I love how it turned out! :)
If you want to follow me on any of my other sites, here are a list of my links:
FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=674876594&ref=profile
Twitter http://twitter.com/rachellouise4
FLickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/rachellouise/
© Rachel Louise Photography 2010